Career Success Starts with Self-Love!
Are you a young professional who wants a fulfilling career but doesn’t know how to make that happen?
You are not alone. And I am here for you.
In a world spinning as fast as ours, life can seem especially challenging when your career feels unstable– whether you are unhappily employed or anxiously searching for your next opportunity.
In this month of human connection, I want to offer a little extra support and reassurance that you have what it takes to succeed, so long as you have self-love as a baseline.
Having self-love means you value who you are as a human BEING. Notice I purposely used the word Being (vs. Doing) to emphasize the point that, despite popular opinion, we are not defined by what we do, but rather by who we ARE. And I am here to remind you that you are, in fact, whole and complete just as you are.
Once self-love is in place, we must look at our self-talk. Namely, what do we say about ourselves and what is possible in and for our lives?
Yes, we humans frequently experience barriers to our full self-expression, but that is all they are– perceived obstacles between where we are (we’ll call that Point A) and where we want to be (Point B).
Henry Ford famously said, "Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t– you’re right.” In other words, what we think about, we bring about. And what we focus on expands.
So the question becomes, what thoughts will you allow in your head? Be gracious with yourself here, as spontaneous thoughts pop up all the time and we are better equipped to choose our second thoughts ;)
Consider how your thoughts, words, and actions impact your real life. How close are you to achieving your goals– personally and professionally?
How aligned are your words and your deeds? Are you walking your talk?
For example, do you say you want an amazing new job but you have zero networking events in your calendar?
Can you see a correlation between what you think and say and how your career is unfolding? Do you see any areas where you’re holding yourself back, perhaps starting with negative self-talk?
The great news? You are self-aware! And with this self awareness, in addition to self-love and even an inkling of what you want… you are unstoppable!
To your success!
P.S. If you are a young professional looking to get ahead in your career, I encourage you to book a free Career Check-Up with me HERE – I can’t wait to meet you!