Organizations Focus Communication

MLK’s Emphasis on Communication still Relevant Today

Jan 18, 2023

This week we celebrate an American civil rights icon and global social impacter.

In his short 39 years, Martin Luther King led a nonviolent movement that altered the way humans relate to one another– equal members of one human family.

That said, MLK acknowledged human beings struggle to relate to each other– and gave a rationale as to why.

He said…

"People fail to get along because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don't know each other; they don't know each other because they have not communicated with each other."

The missing element here is clearly communication! Now let’s get wild and add intentional communication. When we communicate, we build a sense of ‘oneness,’ which dissolves a sense of ‘otherness.’

I ask…

  • What makes us fear one another?
  • What will allow us to truly get to know each other?
  • What will inspire us to communicate with each other in a more authentic way? (What’s really in the way, anyway?)
  • How can we bring our BEST SELF forward to create the world we want?

May you always DREAM BIG and TAKE ACTION in the direction of your dreams!

If not you, who? If not now, when?

To Your Success
