Organizations Business Process & System

ABC Formula: How to Tap Intrinsic Motivation to Increase Performance

Aug 14, 2024

We wanted to take a deeper cut at the Wellness vs. Wellbeing question during this National Wellness Month.

While the distinction between the two concepts is interesting, it’s even more useful to look at how these two concepts relate to our motivation– specifically at work.

Let’s break down the terminology…

What is Wellness?

Wellness refers to the intentional pursuit of activities and habits (i.e. nutritious diet, adequate sleep, regular exercise, stress management) geared toward achieving physical health and, increasingly, mental and emotional health.

What is Wellbeing?

Wellbeing is a broader, more holistic and long-term concept of health that encompasses many dimensions of life, in addition to physical health, that shape one’s overall happiness and satisfaction. Put simply, Wellness is a component of Wellbeing.

What is Intrinsic Motivation?

Intrinsic Motivation is an internally sourced desire to do something for the inherent satisfaction it provides someone. Often fueled by curiosity, Intrinsic Motivation is more process-oriented and not dependent on external rewards. Think about what truly lights you up…

What is Extrinsic Motivation?

Extrinsic Motivation is driven by external rewards and/or avoiding negative consequences. It tends to be performance-based, results-oriented, and difficult to sustain over a long period of time. Think about what you would do in the short-term for a major pay raise…

How do these different types of human motivation affect work performance, and how can employers leverage it to increase overall team performance?

It is strongly recommended that employers balance extrinsic motivation with intrinsic motivation to ensure both short-term growth and long-term success.

If you get authentically interested in what intrinsically motivates your employees, you will undoubtedly see a positive impact. But how? For starters…

  • What do they enjoy for the sake of enjoyment itself?
  • What are they interested in or curious about?
  • What problems are they naturally inclined to solve?

Let’s get crazy and put this idea into a memorable and repeatable framework that teams can utilize– introducing the ‘ABC Formula’!

  • Ask the big questions (that they care about, that also serve your business needs)
  • Build rapport with your team members (strengthen the “know, like, and trust factor”)
  • Challenge them to innovate and lead (and then get out of the way until they report back!)

There ya have it. Why not give the ABC Formula a whirl at your organization?

It has been proven that intrinsic motivation compels people to pursue meaningful activities and also contributes to overall wellbeing– a measurable Win-Win for your employees and your business as a whole.

To Your Success!


P.S. If you’ve been thinking about starting an internship program but don’t have the bandwidth, you might be interested in checking out the INTERNSHIP INSIDER™ Membership. Virtual doors close Tuesday, August 27th – until we open to new members again in January 2025. Any questions, I’m just a quick Reply away. Or feel free to call/text me at 508-654-0409.