Young Professional Mental Wellness

My Poem Called “Home”: 25 Years Later

Aug 15, 2024

It is National Wellness Month and I hope you’re investing in your holistic wellbeing. (For helpful terminology on Wellness, Wellbeing, and Motivation, you can check out our August blog for organizational leaders.)

It’s that precarious time of year filled with anticipation and excitement– especially for college students starting/returning to school and young professionals gearing up for their first “real-job.”

What will this year bring? Will I overcome my fears? Will I make a difference?

Going deep may not be easy, but it’s worth it.

25 years ago this month, heading into my junior year at UVM, I wrote a poem called “Home,” and I feel moved to share it with you.

These are my exact words…

By Amy Mosher, August 1999

I stand up and bellow the words of my heart
Knowing full well I may be miles apart
From the next loving soul who, too, feels change in the wind
Who’s sympathetic to the struggle and knows down which roads I’ve been
And then from that one there will come a parade
Children leading the rest in a peaceful crusade
We will march in procession side by side, hand in hand
Until we encircle the Earth, encapsulating one giant land
Youth teaming up with the wisdom of old
Will force blind corporate soldiers from being so cold
They will forget about money and profit and greed
And agree that compassion is all that we need
Children will teach them to revisit the youth
For in this stage of life illuminates truth
In the eye of the child one sees vigor and joy
In that of the old despair but yet hope
That the next generation will run and elope
To rekindle the flame of days passed us by
When we cherished the water, the land, and the sky
Let’s stop creating false needs merely rooted in fear
And ponder the question of why we are here
Let’s reunite with the land, the creatures, and plants
Get close to our food and get mud on our pants
As far as I know, we exist but one time
So feel the miracle of breath and the glow of sunshine
Expand the periphery and face the unknown
Stop looking for more and realize you’re home.

Please tell me– What stood out to you about Home? I invite you to send me a quick note ([email protected] or text me at 508-654-0409) and let me know if anything I wrote 25 years ago resonates with you now. And if you’d like to book a Zoom chat with me, please grab a Friday afternoon time slot HERE.

To Your Success!
